Managing Your Child's ADHD Symptoms: Things To Know


Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, most commonly known by the acronym ADHD, is more common than ever in school-age children. If you have a child that you suspect has ADHD, it is important to seek a medical assessment and diagnosis as soon as possible. The sooner you get a diagnosis, the sooner you can pursue tools and techniques to help your child cope. Here are some of the things that you need to think about.

27 January 2023

Professional And Home Head Lice Removal Options


Anyone can get head lice. Your kids might bring lice home from school, or you could pick them up at work since lice spread so easily. There are a few ways to get rid of lice, and you might need to try more than one way to get rid of them for good. You might start by picking out the lice or using a wet comb to get rid of them.

15 December 2022

Occupational Health Screenings: Do Your Employees Need Them?


If your company requires employees to lift heavy objects, listen carefully to their surroundings, or perform another task that may be potentially dangerous, call a health clinic today. A health clinic can ensure your current and future employees receive the occupational health screenings they need to perform their duties safely. Learn why your employees need occupational health screenings and how you can obtain services for them below.  Why Do Employees Need Occupational Health Screenings?

17 October 2022

What Issues Can Be Resolved By An Urgent Care Provider?


When you're sick and in pain, prompt medical treatment is crucial. Urgent care clinics help patients get the care they need without waiting weeks for a doctor's appointment. These are some of the issues that an urgent care center can help you resolve. 1. Infections Your immune system is your body's natural defense against illness and infection. However, at times, bacteria and viruses can overwhelm the immune system. In these cases, infections can develop.

22 August 2022

3 Benefits That Can Come From TMS Therapy


TMS, or transcranial magnetic stimulation, therapy is making big waves—and for good reason. This is something you might want to look into and discuss with your health care and mental health provider if you have been struggling with depression. It might also be something that you want to mention to a loved one who has been suffering from their own battles with depression. Of course, you want to know what the benefits are, which are as follows:

24 June 2022

LASIK Surgery And Age: What You Need To Know


At what age can, and can't, you have LASIK surgery? Laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis surgery (LASIK) can eliminate the need for glasses or contact lenses. But it isn't for everyone—or everyone at every age. Take a look at what patients and their families need to know about corrective eye surgery, age, and the options. Can Young Children Get LASIK? Your elementary schooler needs glasses to see the chalkboard at school. But they also play soccer, baseball, and a few other sports.

3 May 2022

Treating the Root Cause Of Your Joint Inflammation


When you notice that your joints are becoming inflamed, you may take steps to treat and reduce the inflammation. For instance, you might apply ice packs to your joints or take an anti-inflammatory medication. These are all good steps to take, but what you're not doing is treating the root cause of the inflammation. First, of course, you must determine what that root cause is. Here are a few of the most common causes of chronic joint inflammation — along with details about how they're treated.

8 March 2022