Staying Healthy By Focusing On Preventative Care

When I developed a serious health condition, I realized that it might have been my fault. I had never paid much attention to my health, which left me grappling with a life-threatening problem. I worked with my doctor to get well, and when I felt like I was alright, I started focusing on preventative care. I started going to the gym each and every day, and working with my doctor at the first sign of trouble. It seemed like a lot of extra work at first, but before I knew it, my health started to improve. This blog is all about learning to focus on preventative care, so that you don't have to worry about serious issues later.

Professional And Home Head Lice Removal Options


Anyone can get head lice. Your kids might bring lice home from school, or you could pick them up at work since lice spread so easily. There are a few ways to get rid of lice, and you might need to try more than one way to get rid of them for good.

You might start by picking out the lice or using a wet comb to get rid of them. It may be hard to get your child to sit still long enough for that, and picking out lice is nearly impossible to do to yourself since you can't see your own hair very well. Here are some more effective head lice removal treatments you can try.

Medicated Hair Treatments

You might start with a lice shampoo or lotion you buy over the counter at a drugstore or grocery store. These kill lice but not the eggs. That means you'll need to apply the treatment a second time when the eggs hatch. It's important to follow the directions on the product you buy because if you don't, you may not kill the adults or eggs, and your lice infestation will continue.

If you've tried using over-the-counter products and they didn't work, you may consider going to your doctor to get prescription medication. There are different types of pesticides your doctor can choose, and you'll need to follow instructions for use carefully. In addition, you'll still need to wet comb and pick your hair.

Professional Head Lice Removal Options

Medications are not always effective since lice can develop resistance to them. Plus, you may not want to expose yourself to pesticides. In that case, look for a local company that advertises lice removal. Some come to your home, and others have salons you go to like you would a hair salon.

Professionals have different ways to get rid of lice. Some use the smothering technique with oils along with combing and picking. Others use heat. Heat treatments are similar to using a hair dryer, but the heat is not as high so you can tolerate having your hair blown for a much longer time.

The heat is delivered to sections of your hair at a time using high airflow so the lice and eggs dehydrate and die. A heat treatment kills both eggs and adults so you should only need a single treatment.

Home Environment Treatments

Head lice don't live very long off of a warm host, so cleaning your home isn't usually a big issue. However, you may want to wash bed linens and clothes that you recently wore in hot water and dry them in a hot dryer if the fabrics will tolerate it. Since heat kills lice, running fabrics through the laundry can help get rid of ones that fall off your hair when you sleep or change clothes.

You may also want to boil brushes and combs to kill lingering lice. Vacuuming and cleaning your house with the regular products you use should be enough to rid your home of lice so they don't infest your hair again.

Contact a professional for more information about head lice removal


15 December 2022