Staying Healthy By Focusing On Preventative Care

When I developed a serious health condition, I realized that it might have been my fault. I had never paid much attention to my health, which left me grappling with a life-threatening problem. I worked with my doctor to get well, and when I felt like I was alright, I started focusing on preventative care. I started going to the gym each and every day, and working with my doctor at the first sign of trouble. It seemed like a lot of extra work at first, but before I knew it, my health started to improve. This blog is all about learning to focus on preventative care, so that you don't have to worry about serious issues later.

Why Have Laser Hemorrhoidectomy Surgery?


If you have problems managing hemorrhoids, then your doctor might advise you to have surgery to remove them. While you can have traditional surgery, you might also be offered a laser treatment. This option has some additional benefits.

How is laser surgery different from a traditional hemorrhoidectomy procedure? What are its benefits?

What Are the Differences Between Traditional and Laser Hemorrhoidectomies?

Both of these procedures have the same outcome. They surgically remove hemorrhoids. However, they work slightly differently.

If you have traditional surgery, then your surgeon cuts out your hemorrhoids. They then cauterize the area to stop bleeding before stitching the site.

If you choose a laser procedure, then your surgeon uses a laser to do this work. The laser cuts through hemorrhoid tissue and removes it. It also automatically cauterizes the site as it works to stop any bleeding.

You don't typically need any stitches at the end of the surgery. The laser causes less skin and tissue damage, and the site can heal without stitching.

What Are the Benefits of Laser Hemorrhoidectomy Surgery?

Both of these procedures remove hemorrhoids. You get a permanent solution to your problem. However, while effective, traditional surgery has some downsides. Your procedure takes more time because your surgeon has more work to do.

Laser surgery is faster. Your surgeon doesn't have to work manually because they use a laser to do all the work. They also have fewer steps to complete.

For example, your surgeon doesn't have to spend time cauterizing and stitching the site. The laser automatically stops bleeding. It removes tissue in a less invasive way, so you won't need any stitches at the end of the procedure.

You are likely to have some discomfort and pain after both of these surgeries. You need some time to heal and recover. However, your pain, discomfort, and recovery time are likely to last longer with traditional surgery. When your surgeon manually cuts out your hemorrhoids, they can't help but affect surrounding tissues. This increases your post-operative pain and discomfort.

Plus, you might find that your stitches give you some problems. They will make the area feel tight and sore as it heals. They don't make it easy to find a comfortable sitting position.

Recovery times are typically faster if you have laser surgery. Lasers can remove hemorrhoids without affecting the skin or tissues around them. You won't have any stitches to add to your pain or discomfort. You should feel better after your surgery, and you should heal faster.

For more advice on if a laser hemorrhoidectomy procedure is right for you, talk to your doctor.


9 March 2023