Staying Healthy By Focusing On Preventative Care

When I developed a serious health condition, I realized that it might have been my fault. I had never paid much attention to my health, which left me grappling with a life-threatening problem. I worked with my doctor to get well, and when I felt like I was alright, I started focusing on preventative care. I started going to the gym each and every day, and working with my doctor at the first sign of trouble. It seemed like a lot of extra work at first, but before I knew it, my health started to improve. This blog is all about learning to focus on preventative care, so that you don't have to worry about serious issues later.

LASIK Surgery And Age: What You Need To Know


At what age can, and can't, you have LASIK surgery? Laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis surgery (LASIK) can eliminate the need for glasses or contact lenses. But it isn't for everyone—or everyone at every age. Take a look at what patients and their families need to know about corrective eye surgery, age, and the options.

Can Young Children Get LASIK?

Your elementary schooler needs glasses to see the chalkboard at school. But they also play soccer, baseball, and a few other sports. This means they don't want to wear their glasses on the field or court—or they just don't like the look of the frames and lenses. Can you eliminate this issue with a surgical procedure? 

Even though LASIK can correct the refractive errors that cause poor or blurred vision, this is not a surgical procedure for children. LASIK is not currently approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for children under 18. This means your young child will need to wait until they're an adult to consider eye surgery.

Can Teens Get LASIK?

The answer to this question depends on the teen's exact age. Again, The FDA has not approved the use of lasers in corrective eye surgery for children 17 and under. But an 18 or 19-year-old teen could choose to have this procedure. 

Even though the use of lasers (in eye surgery) is FDA approved for adults 18 and up, some older teens may want to wait to have this procedure. According to the FDA, patients who have had to change their prescription in the last year and are in their early 20s or younger are not good candidates for this procedure. If you're not sure whether you (or your teenage child) should consider LASIK, talk to a licensed eye doctor/surgeon about refractive instability and your options.

Can Adults Get LASIK?

Yes, most healthy adults can choose this corrective procedure. LASIK can correct vision issues for adults with myopia (nearsightedness), hyperopia (farsightedness), or astigmatism. This makes it possible to see clearly at work, school, on a date, at the movies, or anywhere else without the need for bulky glasses.

Adults who wear contact lenses may also want to consider this surgery. LASIK eliminates the need to reorder contacts or buy solutions and cleaners. It is also an option for patients with sensitive or allergy-prove eyes. If you find contacts uncomfortable or the lenses irritate your eyes, talk to your doctor about the benefits of eye surgery. 

For more information, contact a company like San Diego Eye Professionals.


3 May 2022